The GnuBIO instrument encompasses all the steps required for DNA sequencing in a single platform including target selection and enrichment, DNA amplification, DNA sequencing and analysis. GnuBIO’s cutting-edge platform provides a single user interface, with a single step process, which rapidly produces results in hours versus days.
Users simply load genomic DNA (gDNA) into the system and everything from sample enrichment to real-time informatics pipeline is encompassed within the instrument. The user interface and the end points are application-specific eliminating the need for complicated computations to make sense of the results as is typical for current sequencing platforms.

GnuBIO offers a single-use consumable cartridge, which provides all reagents necessary for selection/enrichment, DNA amplification and DNA sequencing. This cartridge kit contains all of the reagents necessary for the entire workflow providing the user an easy interface to the system. The user simply loads genomic DNA and a few reagents into the cartridge, places the cartridge into the GnuBIO system and presses “run.” At any time, the user can track the progress of each run directly on the instrument, or through a networked desktop, tablet or mobile device. Within hours, a complete DNA sequencing run is complete ready for users to annotate.